Going gluten-free in 2004 was part of my holistic effort to bring my body into balance and heal my thyroid from Graves’ Disease, autoimmune hyperthyroidism. My goal was to get off anti-thyroid medication and get healthy enough to get pregnant. Although I also hoped to go off anti-depressant medication, I didn’t really expect that a…
Up against a wall (or a booster tray)
Most of my the time my daughter is sleeping or not lunging toward an electrical cord lately has gone to looking for childcare. The baby is into everything, and while she’s hilarious and funny and it’s a delight to hear an 11-month-old play the kazoo, there has to be some balance. And when there is…
A sailor’s life’s not for me
The first time I remember being on a boat, I had broken arm and couldn’t waterski. It was the summer between fourth and fifth grade, between ten years in a rural area outside of Ann Arbor, Michigan where hardly anyone I knew had a boat and the next eight years in an affluent suburb where…
More yoga than sleep
I went to three yoga classes today. That’s six hours of yoga, which is more time than I have spent sleeping at least a few of the last dozen nights, in preparation for leaving for this trip and since we’ve been on it. Once again, I’m writing from a hotel parking lot with a snoring…
Yogi goes to Vermont
I’m in a rental with no wireless on a borrowed laptop. Sitting on the ledge of the TV, it’s the only one of four in the house that will work with the (extremely short) ethernet cable. Propping up my bum is a package of Seventh Generation diapers, and I’m just realizing we haven’t washed the few cloth diapers…
Anusara Grand Circle: First report from my mat
From lots of yoga to none and back again! This week I’m taking part in the Anusara Grand Circle and Wanderlust Vermont. I’ll be reporting on the events for my Washington Times Communities column but at least wanted to post some personal reflections here before my head gets any more exploded! These are groovy people….
I’m a top Mental Wellness blogger!
I’m pleased to announce that I made it into the Top 25 Mental Wellness blogs at Circle of Moms. Thanks to everyone who voted. More details to come!
Where is the yogi?
It’s been only eight days since I completed my 10-Day Yoga Challenge, but I broke the daily yoga and writing habit in a big way. My last class was on Monday, and on Tuesday night I was up until nearly 1 a.m. preparing food for a surprise road trip to my sister’s on her 50th…
D.C. to host world premiere of film about war on family farms
If you consider yourself a locavore, a supporter of family farms, or just a parent concerned about your children’s health and the future of the planet they will inherit, be sure not to miss the world premiere of Farmageddon–the Unseen War on American Family Farms, a mom-created film that documents the FDA’s raids on small …
The transition begins: Waldorf to public school
Just how many different people can I be in my head in one day? Well, at least two solid positions are staking claim to my mental landscape. One is incredibly sad that yesterday was my son’s last day at his Waldorf school, and the other is very excited for our family to become part of…
10-Day Yoga Challenge: Day Ten: “Party in the pose”
It felt like a graduation. I completed my 10-Day Yoga Challenge Monday yesterday, taking my fourth class with the Anusara-inspired teacher who told me and the other students that we were all ready to kick it up a notch. We’d all gotten comfortable with her repeated calls to isometrically draw our legs together and to…
10-Day Yoga Challenge: Day Nine: “Play”
It didn’t take me long to get off my game. I finished class #8 of my 10-day Yoga Challenge at 8:00 p.m. on Friday night and spent Saturday virtually yoga-free, except for one sun salutation in the morning. When I finally returned today at 4:00 p.m., it felt at the start like that 44-hour break…
10-Day Yoga Challenge: Day Eight: “Expose your heart”
The theme of yesterday’s post was “reveal,” but I waited until this one to close that loop. I am not going to yoga on Day Eight. Instead I went back to a second class on the evening of Day Seven. This does feel like cheating, I admit. But looking at the day, with a wedding…
10-Day Yoga Challenge: Day Seven: “Reveal”
Today, I am tired. I had trouble focusing in the Anusara class on this, my seventh day of my 10-Day Yoga Challenge. I did not feel strong and bright. I’d gone to bed too late, the baby had woken too often, and I hadn’t gotten up early enough to eat enough to sustain me through…
10-Day Yoga Challenge: Day Six: “Brighten the belly”
I might have missed my exit if this were my first day driving into the District. The rising sun made it impossible to see the sign for Rosslyn/Key Bridge. But by now, this sixth day of my 10-Day Yoga Challenge, I feel like I know what I’m doing, and I know where to turn. And…
10-Day Yoga Challenge: Day Five: “Root and reach”
I cannot wait for tomorrow’s 6:30 a.m. yoga class. Seriously. I’m tired and sweaty, and at 9:00 p.m., both my kids have just gotten to sleep. I have miles to go before I can. But, when I look ahead at tomorrow, I think about crossing the Potomac just after sunrise and about arriving home at…
10-day Yoga Challenge: Day Four: “Surrender”
“Rest your shoulder blades on the back of your heart,” the teacher said. But what if the heart is tender? “Surrender,” she said later, in what felt at once like a welcoming to take a breather and at the same time, almost a dare. Am I capable of surrendering? Can I ever not try so…
10-day Yoga Challenge: Day Three: “Shine!”
I made it to my third yoga class in a row today in my self-imposed challenge to go every day for 10 days on my $10 ten-day pass at Centered Yoga. This class — the 9:30 a.m. Anusara-inspired yoga — was what drew me to the studio. I like what I know about this style,…
10-day Yoga Challenge: Day Two: “Let your bottom blossom”
After my first of what I hope will be ten consecutive days of yoga class, I woke today feeling like my calf muscles had wrapped themselves around my legs. Same with the triceps. It was an enjoyable, tightened sore, like I’d had someone squeeze me into Saran Wrap. I was feeling so good yesterday after…
10-day yoga challenge begins!
What would happen if I did yoga for 10 days in a row? I don’t mean just a home practice. But if I went to a yoga class every day for 10 days? Improved health? A clearer mind? A more settled heart? A bigger smile? A deeper sense of loving kindness? An enhanced sense of…