I’m in a rental with no wireless on a borrowed laptop. Sitting on the ledge of the TV, it’s the only one of four in the house that will work with the (extremely short) ethernet cable. Propping up my bum is a package of Seventh Generation diapers, and I’m just realizing we haven’t washed the few cloth diapers we’ve used since we arrived three days ago.
Three children are loudly jumping on the couch after making a fort out of the cushions. My husband drove our baby to sleep and dialed into work from the parking lot outside the hotel that has wireless. There are clothes and games strewn all over, and the baby is still asleep in the car, her strawberry head visible just outside the kitchen window on this chilly, rainy day because goodness knows she will never fall asleep amid this chaos. One of the three aforementioned children is now crying, so I’m guessing that Grandma needs a break.
And yet, I’m so glad I’m here. My time at the Anusara Grand Circle has already caused such an opening, through the yoga and the affirming words of the teachers. The beauty of this location is inspirational, especially since the skies were crystal blue until today. But the rain is a welcome break, as all things have a push-pull and go through a cycle. Yes, that’s part of what I’ve learned this week. Or re-learned.
I can’t wait to write more about my interview with Wanderlust co-founder and homebirth mom of three Schulyer Grant and my interview with Anusara Yoga founder John Friend, not to mention all the insights I’ve gained from classes and the joyful time we had last night hulahooping outside on the solstice.
I’m glad I got the chance to write this post about the first day of the Grand Circle for my Washington Times Communities column, and will share more as time and internet allow!
Here are three of my favorite pics so far:

Helping one another open our heartsWringing out that which doesn't serve us anymoreLengthening the side body in the first morning asana class with Anusara founder John Friend
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