What a great turnout at yesterday’s rally to protest restrictions on the sale of raw milk. Here are some photos from the reporter mom perspective! For full coverage, check out my article at The Washington Times Communities Family Today Also visit Kimberly Hartke’s blog post about the rally. Or check out all this great coverage!…
NoVa Dentist describes connection between teeth and health
A lot of folks I know are asking about tooth and jaw issues and their children. I wanted to share some information about one holistic dentist. A version of this essay originally appeared in 2011 at the Washington Times Communities. For anyone who has ever had orthodontia, listening to a lecture by Dr. Felix Liao…
Take your health into your hands!
If holistic health is a passion of yours, check out my coverage of this past weekend’s Take Back Your Health conference in Washington, DC. At my Washington Times Communities Family Today column, I profile conference organizer Robin Shirley. Robin had to end her college career early because she was so ill. After diet and lifestyle…
“Raw Milk Mommies” to demonstrate at FDA
Moms do not appreciate the government telling them how to feed their children and restricting their access to what they feel is a healthful food. On November 1, 2011, mothers from around the country will protest outside the Food and Drug Administration building in Silver Spring, Maryland to protest the FDA’s restriction on the purchase…
A weekend of holistic health and blogging
A tale of two conferences I’ve had a split personality this weekend. Much of my time has been spent at the wonderful blogging conference, Blogalicious. Since I first arrived at the conference Friday morning, I’ve met great people, caught up with friends, and learned a ton about social media and media resources in general. A…
Real Food heals: Blog Action Day
When my nutritionist friend suggested I try integrating some animal protein and animal fat back into my diet, I was offended. Didn’t she know how bad it was for the earth to waste all those resources on raising animals instead of vegetables and grain? Didn’t she know that a low-fat diet was healthier? Since I…
Support VBAC in October!
When I first met my friend Elaine, she spoke warmly of her two homebirths. I had just one child who was born via c-section, which saddened me. Now I am the proud mama of a home VBAC — Vaginal Birth After Cesarean, or HBAC. And today Elaine is writing at TheDCMoms.com about homebirth. Here are…
Money could buy me … a clone?
Welcome to the October Carnival of Natural Parenting: Money Matters This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by Code Name: Mama and Hobo Mama. This month our participants have shared how finances affect their parenting choices. Please read to the end to find a list of links to…
Simply fall
It was a quietly successful day. What does that mean? I usually prefer to get up before everyone else so that I can have some quiet moments alone, even if it’s just to start the breakfast (which means start the broth and veggies cooking, and the eggs, and some kind of meat, and get out…
Music carries me back
My son doesn’t yet know any more contemporary tunes than I do, I’m so out of it. He’s only five and a half and privy to the whims of his dad who controls our SqueezeBox with jazz, David Bowie, and whatever else he happens onto. Sometimes that’s an album I listened too way too much…
The dental-health connection
I’d always been intrigued by the lectures I saw Dr. Felix Liao giving about the connection between dental health and whole body health, but his Whole Health Dental Center just seemed too far away. Then I noticed someone posting on the Northern Virgina Families for Natural Living list that his office had moved inside the…
The vaccine issue again: HPV
Now that I’m mother to a daughter, the idea of requiring HPV vaccines seems even scarier than before. In just ten years, if Virginia keeps its requirement (one of two in the country, D.C. having the other), we will have to do some kind of opt-out form if we want to keep our daughter from…
Holistic Moms to host “Traditional Diets” guru
The first time I heard of the Weston A. Price Foundation was the day after Thanksgiving 2003. My face was full of acne, my belly was full of gas, mind was muddled, and I hadn’t had a period in almost three months. Not exactly the picture of health. But I was still offended when the…
Seeing the light, in the dark
It was a day when every hour looked like 5 p.m. Grey. Rain. Then rainier, and windy. So why am I feeling better than I’ve felt since, like, June? One guess is the yoga. I did about 20 minutes alone upstairs in my bedroom this morning, after 5 minutes using the chi machine. Post-juice, pre-breakfast….
We’ll always have Halloween: Creating costumes for kids
Welcome to the August Carnival of Natural Parenting: Creating With Kids This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by Hobo Mama and Code Name: Mama. This month our participants have shared how they make messes and masterpieces with children. Please read to the end to find a list…
On the road again
Once upon a time, I could go on a road trip without making all my own unprocessed, organic, starch-free food. Once upon a time I could go to my parents’ house without drooling over idea of family-provided childcare so that I could enjoy some time to catch up on all things computer — email (professional…
Dance at Strathmore + a giveaway
One of the highlights of our week last week was the CityDance performance at the Backyard Theater for Children at Strathmore. What a lively performance! It makes me feel good that my son got to see the beauty and athleticism of dance as expressed by children and adults, including male dancers. And who doesn’t love…
A marvelous day with SteveSongs + a giveaway!
The Washington, D.C. area was treated to some glorious weather this past weekend, and audience members for the final SteveSongs performance of the week at Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts soaked it up! The Children’s Theatre-in-the-Woods was the perfect place to be Saturday morning to listen to stories with storyteller Baba Jamal Koram…
Gluten-free expo showcases products galore
For more posts on Real Food this and every Wednesday, visit Kelly the Kitchen Kop’s Real Food Wednesday blog carnival — The aroma of gluten-free pizza at the D.C. Gluten-Free expo was divine. Being on a grain-free and starch-free diet since February, I had to abstain from this and many goodies that were on display and smelled so good….
Interview with nutritionist Dr. Keith Ayoob
I was invited to participate in an interview recently with Dr. Keith Ayoob, a nutritionist who appears regularly on “Good Morning America,” CNN, and ABC news and who writes for SchoolMenu.com. One of my favorite articles of his is called “D Pressed;” it highlights the importance of Vitamin D to mental health. Anyone familiar with…