Moms do not appreciate the government telling them how to feed their children and restricting their access to what they feel is a healthful food.
On November 1, 2011, mothers from around the country will protest outside the Food and Drug Administration building in Silver Spring, Maryland to protest the FDA’s restriction on the purchase of raw milk across state lines.
According to a press release from The Campaign for Real Milk, a project of the Weston A. Price Foundation, these moms want to:
“protest the FDA’s crackdown on raw milk production and distribution, arguing that the government campaign not only criminalizes raw milk, but criminalizes the American citizens who buy and consume it.
Prior to their peaceful demonstration, a caravan of mothers will cross state lines with raw milk and invite the FDA to witness what the agency wrongly considers to be a criminal act. Media are invited to ride along as embedded reporters to report on how the FDA responds to what it wrongly terms a violation of the law.”
If you agree that Americans should be able to control our own health choices, consider joining the demonstration at FDA Headquarters at 10903 New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring, MD. The event is slated for 12 noon to 3 p.m. on Tuesday, November 1. More information on the event and the route the demonstrators will be taking is available at ,at at the Farm Food Freedom Coalition and on Facebook.
The rally is hosting some big names in food freedom, including Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm, featured in the documentaries Food, Inc., Farmageddon, and Fresh; Mark McAfee of Organic Pastures dairy, the largest raw dairy company in the U.S.;Â David Gumpert, journalist and author of Raw Milk Revolution; Max Kane, currently fighting the state of Wisconsin for right to private contracts; and Michael Schmidt, farmer currently staging a hunger strike in Canada regarding raw milk access.

Weston A. Price Foundation president and Nourishing Traditions author Sally Fallon Morell and WAPF publicist and Real Food blogger Kimberly Hartke share resources on raw milk and traditional diets.
Although my head is reeling from attending two conferences this weekend and I’d like to just put my feet up at home for the next month, I’ve got this date on my calendar!
Even if I don’t personally tolerate any dairy very well, I certainly want my family and all other families to have access to this healthful living food humans drank for centuries until industrial farming created unhealthy conditions. Today’s small sustainable farms know what they are doing, and their customers reap the health benefits of raw milk obtained from happy grassfed cows.
And I see no reason why the federal government should waste its time and money on restricting consumers’ choices and bankrupting small family farms.
Isn’t this a free country? Aren’t there a lot of other needs for our tax dollars?
Love the link on the health benefits of raw milk. Reminds me of my nursing days when Helen had some weird goopy eye thing, and I had read that breastmilk can clear this up (Having Faith by Sandra Steingraber) – so I tried it, and it worked. And I was so thrilled that I had actually healed my baby – just like the book described. I hadn’t processed using cow’s milk to heal human conditions. Hmmm…lots of food for thought.
Thank you for the info! I’ve been sad to hear about the restrictions they’re trying to enforce, I hope they listen!