Local mompreneur Honi Borden has just announced that she will be closing the doors to Holeco Wellness Medispa a the end of August in order to pursue her line of Holeco Life “rooted beauty” non-toxic skincare products and also to spend more time with her family. Follow Holeco on Facebook or check out the products…
D.C. Metro
Preschooler’s first movie: Babies
Although we are not media-free, I’ve avoided full-length feature films and had not considered taking my son to a movie before the age of six, at least. It just seems like way too much stimulation, not to mention the whole Waldorf thing about media stifling kids’ imaginations. But when I saw the trailer for the…
Silver Diner supports local food in schools
Who knew diner food could be health food? I had no idea that the Silver Diner – a chain of restaurants in Maryland, Virginia, and New Jersey – was on a mission to serve local food and offer healthier choices. When I attended a special evening recently for food bloggers, I got a true taste…
“Leisure” time, yoga, and multitasking
I walked into the Enterprising Moms event with speaker Brigid Schulte almost 20 minutes late, which I figured was appropriate since the Washington Post writer was going to be discussing her Post Magazine piece on moms and just how much “leisure time” they have. Was this event “leisure time?” Or did it count toward some…
Can’t find time to write about not finding time
Well, I keep meaning to blog about the great Enterprising Moms (TEM) event I went to the other day with guest speaker Brigid Schulte who wrote this great article a few months back in the Washington Post Magazine: “The Test of Time: A busy working mother tries to figure out where all her time is…
Wheeling away with goodies: Blogger/Brand event loads up mamas
It sure is nice to feel like other people want to make you happy. I was excited for the DC Metro Moms Brand/Blogger event as a motivator to finally get my three blogs merged into one blog (this one! with the domain I’ve been sitting on for a year and a half!), to see other…
The buzz around Samantha Bee
When I first heard that Samantha Bee had written a memoir and was coming to a downtown DC Borders, I was both excited to read something by the hilarious Daily Show correspondent and pissed that I had a birthday party in the ‘burbs the same afternoon. As luck would have it, predicted (but unrealized) thunderstorms…
Nature center saves the day
Although I was totally annoyed at my son for waking me up at 6:11 a.m., I also felt a little guilty that I was going to be dragging him to an appointment later that morning with nothing in it for him. Well, the practitioner was going to check him out, too, and at least she…
Mom’s Afternoon Out thwarted
This post originally appeared on DC Metro Moms Blog on May 8, 2010 Mom’s afternoon out thwarted The breeze is blowing, the birds are chirping, and I just wanted to enjoy a nice afternoon solo in the city after a week at home with a sick preschooler. Is that so much to ask? My husband…
Business as usual on Earth Day
This post originally appeared on DC Metro Moms on April 22, 2010 Business as usual on Earth Day I felt a little guilty when a friend said she was turning off her computer for Earth Day; I had no plans to commemorate the day on my own or “celebrate” the day with my son. I’ve…
Navigating the birthday present conundrum
This post originally appeared on DC Metro Moms on April 1, 2010 Navigating the birthday present conundrum I was pretty comfortable with my “No gifts, please”/Birthdays Without Pressure approach until last week when my newly-four-year-old son said of the friends coming to his playdate, “But I want them to bring presents!” Am I an evil…
How long until Daylight Savings Time ends?
This post originally appeared on March 17, 2010 How long until Daylight Savings Time ends? Four-year-olds do not sleep when it’s sunny. That’s an exaggeration, but I cannot say that I am in love with this early switch to later sunsets. The hour shift has been tough enough when we’ve had three more weeks of…
Dissed for Summer Camp
This post orignally appeared on DC Metro Moms on March 3, 2010 Dissed for Summer Camp Why do I feel like a loser if my four-year-old has no one to go to summer camp with? Last year I’d signed him up for just one week at a French camp, your standard 9:30-12:30 Monday-Friday day camp….
What is a snowstorm good for?
This post originally appeared on DC Metro Moms on February 8, 2010 What is a snowstorm good for? Just what all does one do during a snowed-in weekend like we’ve had here in the DC area? I got an email this morning telling me that DC Metro Moms was low on posts, so I imagine…
Driving in pajamas
This post originally appeared on DC Metro Moms on January 20, 2010 Driving in pajamas Truth be told, I was no fan of the arctic cold snap we had here in the DC area in early January. That wind whistled right through my bones, and I’m glad it’s died down and the temps have gone…
I’ll take a village. Please
This post originally appeared on Dc Metro Moms on January 4, 2010 I’ll take a village. Please. After a week home with a son who was just sick enough to have to stay home from preschool, followed by a weekend of the biggest December snow ever in D.C., I was ready to get out o’…
I’m a jealous friend
This post originally appeared on DC Metro Moms on December 18, 2009 I am a jealous friend Hey there, Misery. I’ve got some company you haven’t met yet. They’re called my friends. May I introduce you to each other so that you feel so lonely? And so I don’t? Lately I’ve been really making use…
Planes, trains and governors, oh my!
This post originally appeared on DC Metro Moms on November 17, 2009 Planes, trains and governors! Who am I? “He was so good!” praised the woman sitting behind my son during our flight from Reagan National to Detroit Metro as we stood waiting to exit the plane. Usually I’m a descriptive praise sort of gal,…
Heavier than air
After attending a screening of the new film Fresh and seeing Joel Salatin and Sally Fallon speak as part of an amazing panel discussion to a standing-room only crowd at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fairfax, I never want to eat anonymous meat again. Fresh gives just enough insight into factory farming to help the…
Gym childcare: mandatory TV?
This post originally appeared on DC Metro Moms on November 6, 2009 Gym Childcare: Mandatory TV? When a huge new gym with a low monthly fee opened a mile from my house, I was excited to try it out. During the tour, I asked about the TV in the childcare room. In my previous gym,…