The goal this year was to get up by 5:30 a.m. to exercise, do yoga, and get centered for the day before starting on breakfast to get the kids out the door at 7:45. That went great, until I broke my toe, and then my daughter got sick. I rebooted with waking early to write a blog post for NaBloPoMo and to work on my novel for NaNoWriMo.
That was great, until one day when both kids woke at 6:30, just a few minutes after I did. Late for me, early for them.
I missed my solo time but was glad that they both had so much time to relax before school, which starts at 8:00. My daughter played with Magna Tiles, my son read, and I read a little with him. I think he even worked on his “novel.”
There are pluses and minuses to everything. Here are some of the pros and pros of waking up before the kids, and not.
When I wake up early, I get to
- enter the downstairs in darkness and watch the sun rise
- exercise
- do yoga
- breathe
- listen to NPR
- write
- answer emails about school, my new business, doctor’s appointments, friendly catch-ups
- finish any lunch prep I didn’t do the night before
- leisurely start breakfast
I like to do all these things on weekends, too, and I even sometimes feel disappointed when I accidentally sleep in, like I really lost time I will never get back. But it doesn’t really do any good to look at it that way.
When I sleep in, I get to
- feel rested
- cuddle with my husband
- sometimes cuddle with a child
- listen to the kids talk to each other and maybe even help each other out or start playing a game
- walk into my kitchen and living room already illuminated by the rising sun
- do yoga with my daughter
The grass is always green no matter where it is as long as it gets water and sunlight.
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