I just spent $132 at the Vitamin Shoppe. Wow. My husband has an eardrum that has been ruptured for over 48 hours and still hurts a lot. I bought some tea, colloidal silver supplement and nasal spray, grapefruit seed extract ear drops and nasal spray, some probiotic (on sale), calendula tincture (seemed like a good idea) and some more homepathic remedies (including something that my son grabbed because it came with a little Curious George pouch – even the alternative stuff markets to kids! He’s been sick, too, so I cut him some slack, especially after he agreeably put several items back on the shelves and since he’d been whining a whole lot before we got into the car).
When I first went on my Save-My-Adrenals-and-Thyroid health kick starting in early 2004, I spent that kind of coin on capsules often. A lot was at the Vitamin Shoppe, where you get little coupons every so often if you spend a lot, and I also shopped at Village Green Apothecary in Bethesda, where they carry brands usually only practitioners have but at a better price. Since my thyroid has stabilized and my nutrition is so much improved, I haven’t been as much of a supplement junkie. And certainly in this economy with a one-income family, I’m usually more reserved before throwing $25 bottles of dried mushrooms into my basket (my sister-in-law swears that one helped her). But since the hubby isn’t of a mind to get energy work and is still in a lot of pain, he told me to get “whatever looks good.” After a week at home with my sick son, who was on a nursing binge to fight his fever (which also turned into an ear infection), I was ready to jack up the credit card for our health at the supplement store (and I already have with craniosacral therapy and an acupunturist who used some cute little tools on my boy to open his meridians and did a few needles on me when I mentioned his clinginess. It always comes back to me!)
Considering a possible run for reconception, I’m also thinking that it’s probably time for me to actually see a doctor — a holistic-minded one for sure, and preferably one who starts with some energy work, but someone who can make sure I’m in a safe place to possibly go forward with trying for a bigger family. That will cost a pretty penny, too, I’m sure!
Try Luckeyvitamins.com . THe Vit shoppee is much less than our local hometown health store but Luckey is sooo much less and if u spend $100 or more shipping is free. I have been using thme for about 8 months and am very happy with them. :) They have Luckey points too but I am not sure what that is all about.
Thanks for this comment. Sorry for my delay! My husband is better, but I’m seeing a new doc later this week and will see if she suggests much. A the Vit Shoppe I got points such that I now have a coupon for $10 off $50, but unless I stock up on priobiotics or someone gets sick again, I really don’t need to spend that!