Homebirth, school lunch, small farmers, Wise Traditions conference, Blogalicious, that bee sting I got the other day … there is so much to write about. But when you spend close to two hours trying to get a baby to nap for 30 minutes, well, it’s tough to get it all in.
My apologies for all the deadlines I have not met in the past few days (self-set, but still!) Maybe I just care about too many things. (The foot reminds me to care about it if I forget to take at least one dose of homeopathic Apis each day)
Here is some news to follow:
As I’ve written, the Wise Traditions 2011 conference was amazing. Until I have a solid chunk of time to clear my head to get more down in pixels, check out this great recap at Food Renegade.
A farmer in Maine is being sued for selling food without a license, even though his town ordinance allows him to: We Are All Farmer Brown on Facebook
In Congress wants to use spending bill to call pizza a vegetable
Congresswoman speaks on the House floor about the Home Birth Consensus Summit I wrote about recently at All Things Mothering
That panel I went to about balance at Blogalicious 2011 still hasn’t written itself into a recap piece. But here is a great one from Run Wifey Run
Oh, and my foot? I stepped on a bee. My son looked for all the appropriate remedies in our Wildcraft game and then wrote them all down. I mentioned this in a post about Green games at TheDCMoms, but it was so cute, I long to write up a heartwarming narrative of it or even an honest tale of how the closest I came to homeschooling on the day he stayed home from school (due to travel fatigue and fighting a cold) was tasking him with that activity while I gave his sister a bath. Cute and poignant or just the stuff of a mom looking to fill time, here is the result:
What else in the world of natural family living should I be paying attention to so I can then wish I had the time to write about it?
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