Another night out, this time tutoring. In two hours, I have paid for three days of childcare. But what really is the cost?
I would rather make less easy money to make money that is more meaningful to my everyday existence. And that doesn’t require me to go out 8-10 p.m.
But I also value connecting with students who have such different lives and yet who are still just students trying to make meaning.
Really, there are so many things I enjoy, I keep wondering when I will have the time to get good at any one thing. Lately I’ve been looking back and found evidence that I’ve had a challenged relationship to “time” and commitment since at least the seventh grade when I would practice for my flute lesson literally on the way to the lesson.
So it’s not just a recent phenomenon, this taking on of many things. I can’t just blame the internet. It’s been with me at least since puberty.
Just how will my children think about the gift of each moment they get to walk on this planet? Will they revel in each breath or rue insufficient resources?
When does it become
more precarious than precocious
to stack things besides blocks,
to let random objects perch
slightly askew
because you can
for a while
even if you know
they might fall
After casting aside my poetry hat for far too long, my NaBloPoMo plan is to write a poem — and to take and post a photo — every day in November, spending less than half an hour on both. The hope is to drill down, to focus, to look for and create beauty.
Previous Posts:
Day 1: Eleven One
Day 2: Shoreline
Day 3: Damage
Day 4: On Parenting and Sunrises
Day 5: When will we?
Day 6: Voting Line
Day 7: What I want my children to learn from me
Day 8: Haiku
Day 9: Reminders
Day 10: Routine
Day 11: Lux Esto, in moderation
Day 12: Family Photo Shoot at (nearly) 4o
Day 13: Siblings
Day 14: Point of View
Day 15: Background
Day 15: Greener Grass
Day 16: Journey
Day 17: From two to twelve
Day 18: Baggage
Day 19: Mothering, now and later
Day 20: Expectations
Day 21: Blank canvas
Day 22: Closing in on December
Day 23: Everything we need to know we forget before kindergarten
Day 24: Nothing but the moon
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