At least I got in some lactivism this weekend!
It has been a long string of days with a dramatic, exuberant, clingy, whiny and non-stop-talking almost-five-year-old and a not-much-sleeping, perennially-teething (but happy!) six-month old. So I will save the full report on yesterday’s nurse-in at the Hirshhorn Museum for another time (will link if it gets posted elsewhere) and at least just say this: it was great!

Me with my "Birthing, breastfeeding, beautiful feminist" ( fan gear) bag (and Holistic Moms t-shirt) and my baby in the Beco at the Hirshhorn nurse-in
Congratulations to LJ Pelham for putting together such wonderful event! It was so heartwarming to see so many moms, dads, babies and kids all happily nursing, talking, and playing. The vibe was totally positive, and the staff of the museum could not have been more supportive. So many more folks now know their rights to nurse in public as a result of this great event.
See background on it here, and check back for my longer, more detailed post or a link to it, and more photos.
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