This post originally appeared on DC Metro Moms on November 21, 2008 Diversity and Language: Not Just Words “How do we say manos in French?” my two-and-a-half-year-old son asked, his open hands twisting on his wrists high in the air. “Wait, he’s learning two other languages?” my friend asked, head cocked to the side. French…
D.C. Metro
People who live in houses with smudged glass doors should do some cleaning
This post originally appeared on DC Metro Moms on November 13, 2008 People who live in houses with smudged glass doors should do some cleaning When I brought out a spray bottle of Parsley Plus to wipe off our patio table during playgroup, my son nearly outed me as having a housecleaner. “That’s for Selma,”…
A Tale of Two Airports
This post originally appeared on DC Metro Moms on November 1, 2008 A Tale of Two Airports “What year are we in — 1993?” I asked my husband as we stood waiting at the old terminal of Reagan National Airport for Northwest to produce our bags. Two tired carousels sat glumly like rides in the…
Counting the Minutes
This post originally appeared on DC Metro Moms on October 13, 2008 Counting the Minutes I came into this mothering gig already Type A, feeling short on time to pursue all my interests, but the concept of “money is time” didn’t hit home until I was at home, full-time. As a salaried high school teacher,…
Yard Sign Blues
This post originally appeared on DC Metro Moms on October 10, 2008 Yard Sign Blues This can’t be the right address. I checked my notes from the Freecycler’s email. This was the house. But it can’t be. There’s a John McCain sign in the yard. I looked back at my toddler son and thought, “Baby…
Glad I Never Made It
This post originally appeared on DC Metro Moms on September 26, 2008 Glad I Never Made It I’ve always said I chose to live in the DC metro area because of the cultural opportunities. As a teacher, I took my world lit kids on field trips to the National Museum of African Art and the…