October is a crazy-busy month for natural-minded health and wellness junkies in and around Washington, DC.
Pathways, the free magazine you see at massage therapy centers, health food stores, and the offices of alternative medicine practitioners is having its Natural Living Expo on Sunday, October 3 in Adelphi, Maryland.
Folks who like to teach their kids about nature and beauty and keep them off of media will enjoy the Fall Festival at Potomac Crescent Waldorf School in Arlington, Virginia, on Saturday, October 16 featuring crafts (to do and to buy), a puppet play, and a silent auction.
October 21-24 is the Freedom for Family Wellness summit sponsored by a lot of great companies and organizations and put on by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. Speakers include Peggy O’Mara, Ina May Gaskin, Joseph Mercola, Barbara Loe Fischer, Bruce Lipton and many others. It’s quite a packed 3+ days. My chapter of Holistic Moms Network is putting together a booth in the exhibit hall.
That same weekend is the Green Festival at the DC Convention Center, October 23 and 24. The local Waldorf schools will have booths near the Green Kids section. There are always lots of great items for holiday gifts in addition to speakers. A receipt of $25 or more from My Organic Market will get you free admission.
If you’re up for a drive, Holistic Moms Network is having its 7th Annual Natural Living Conference in Basking Ridge, New Jersey on Saturday, October 23. There will also be great vendors and speakers, including keynote speaker Sally Fallon of the Weston A. Price Foundation.
Speaking of the WAPF, this traditional foods group is having its 11th annual “Wise Traditions” Conference on “The Politics of Food” November 12-15 in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania (outside of Philadelphia).
Lots of food for thought… and thoughts about food!
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