This night, the children needed an extra dose of essential oil and a second tuck-in, and my house and husband need some serious love. So here we have a photo from my son’s school, one of the preschool classes, and the playfulness I loved in these paintings.
To create simply for the sake of creation
is an art lost to parents
and a gift their children bring back
To gather leaves for the feel of their crinkle
and the delight of their irreverent colors
To stroke a brush just to feel the thick paint
thinning into paper
To honk through wax paper on a kazoo
and marvel at the zippy sound of vibration
These are the joys we can stand
to be reminded of
After casting aside my poetry hat for far too long, my NaBloPoMo plan is to write a poem — and to take and post a photo — every day in November, spending less than half an hour on both. The hope is to drill down, to focus, to look for and create beauty.
Previous Posts:
Day 1: Eleven One
Day 2: Shoreline
Day 3: Damage
Day 4: On Parenting and Sunrises
Day 5: When will we?
Day 6: Voting Line
Day 7: What I want my children to learn from me
Day 8: Haiku
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